Become one with the Wild of Nature
Following Star and Earth Wisdom, the Spirit of the Horse and the Joy of Life.

About Me
As a Spiritual Catalyst for Evolution, Scarlet Ravin has been traveling the world for over 20 years studying with many different teachers from all walks of life. Her inner drive to Enlightenment has shed Light on many topics helping others heal themselves and find Harmony in their Life. As an International Best Selling author and founder of White Fox Medicinals, Scarlet now resides on an expansive Horse Ranch guiding others through Earth Medicine, Star Filled Alchemical Formulas and teaching via an online School "Curandera Eyes."
Scarlet works with Medicine Horses, as well as the infinite resonance of her Spirit to weave Heaven into the Earth through inner Alchemy. She offers 1:1 sessions as well as a Daily Medicine Practice every morning on YouTube if you would like to get a taste of her teaching style and way of seeing this world.
She is a dance between the old Shamanic Curandera ways and the new Light from the Stars coming into our Earth at this time. If you seek remembrance of who you truly are, that is what Scarlet is here for.

My Soul Mission
Remembering why we are here on Earth unlocks so much eternal power waiting to blossom within us. This world is yours to create, as you are one single drop of our Creator that made us all. My daily devotion to awakening the inner Spirit that holds this Remembrance and living from this lens unlocks Heaven in our Earthly experience. This frequency is what I offer through the medicine I make, the sessions, and online schools. My everyday graceful command to the energy around me is this, "Ascended mastery is here, our inner kingdoms are blossoming, together we experience the love of Eden now."
I am very passionate about true inner freedom, that eternal peace that lasts forever and allows us to remember how to command our realities in alignment with the good of all, alignment with God's will.
I created White Fox Medicinals, a line of organic, healing, high-frequency remedies that remind you of your own inner wholeness. Plants carry very high frequencies and when we alchemize them into tinctures, topicals, and beyond we access these frequencies to come back into higher states of consciousness ourselves. Disease and Disorder cannot exist in the higher realms, the plants can assist us in remembering how that feels.

Becoming one with the Earth and Stars once again
The Prayer-Filled Vision
Each moment I live the life of my dreams, at one with Mother Earth and all her creatures, plants, and bugs. This life has Inspired me to share each moment I capture with you, with the Vision that you too become Inspired to live your life in Oneness with Mother Earth and all her creatures. Wholeness, Joy, and Peace naturally arise from this way of life.
May this channel INPIRE YOU! HEAL YOU! and fill you with LOVE!